About Dr. B

Fight the Good Fight with Dr. B!
"Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. --1 Timothy 6:12
Who is Dr. B?
Dr. Bridget Melson, “Dr. B” has a passion to heal the mental health hurts of America and be a beacon of justice. She is bold, dynamic, straight to the point, focused and unique in her direct, but loving approach to giving parenting and political advice. She has a God inspired perspective on what our future will look like if we continue down the path of willful ignorance and blind immorality and for over 20 years she has served Americans in a variety of ways:
She has spoken to parents, educators, veterans groups and political groups all over the U.S. to bring an awareness of our culture and where we are headed.
She is a leader in the mental health industry when it comes to “Intentional Parenting” and has written books to help parents equip their teens for life.
She has written and continues to write, articles on controversial topics, such as the lack of parenting we see in America, the growing amount of sociopathology we see in our youth, government cover ups, and the truth about the broken mental health system in America.
She has worked in various settings and roles from consulting with schools to make them safer, to keeping politicians accountable, to advocating for at risk children and Veterans.
She became, and remains, an outspoken Texas councilwoman.
If there is a weakness or unawareness in the system when it involves families, children, or veterans in regard to mental health, she will fight until it is corrected as she is a bulldog for God when it comes to protecting His flock.
If there are breakdowns in the family system, she will use her Texas grit and California charm to set families up to succeed.
When she sees injustice anywhere in America she will speak up.
She believes government overreach is NOT an option, the Constitution should be respected, our servicemen and women should be honored and that the mental health needs of every American is a God given right.
Dr. B has been outspoken and has made her opinions known on several radio and television shows over the last 20 years. Some of these include Dr. Phil, The Doctors, 48 Hours, America’s Most Wanted, The Mo’Kelly Show, Brad Dacus, AFA, The Joe Messina Show, KSFO with Brian Sussman, ABC, MSNBC, and FOX News. She became known nationwide when she began the largest TEA Party group directly in the belly of the beast in the SF bay Area. Through death threats, opposition and naysayers, she still continued to “Fight the Good Fight” and continues to do so to this day. It has even become her motto.
She has both experience and knowledge. Although she grew up in a life of poverty, she worked hard to earn an M.S. in Counseling, a Psy.D in Psychology and postdoctoral certificates in both the Addicted Brain and Medical Neuroscience.
Due to her deep belief in God, strong sense of conviction and her unwavering moral standards, she will always speak the hard truth, but in sincere love, and her advice will be for the benefit of those who are receiving it.
Get ready America, your prayers have been answered.

For Speaking and Media Inquiries:
Casting New Lives:
Rob Lowe
o: (972) 775-3801
e: bookings@castingnewlives.com