You now have all of the facts you need. Those who are clearly “awake” can see it clearly as our eyes are divinely open.
If you’re still on the (lukewarm) fence, PRAY. Or even reach out to a true Christ follower.
God WILL let you know who stands for:
The sanctity of life (Exodus 20:13).
Marriage as God intended it to be (Gen. 2:24).
Keeping God at the center of their party platform.
Selflessness vs. selfishness–a desire to help ALL people from the inception of the political party. And to NOT make them dependent on the government and thus enslaved to others.
The true roles of a man and a woman. Gender truth–(Gen. 1:26-28).
Protecting our God given (and Constitutional) rights.
The fact that God is the Ultimate Social Justice Judge (Isaiah 33:22).
That we are equal in God’s eyes. Always.
Freedom. Opportunity. The Pursuit of Happiness.
Protection from enemies foreign and domestic.
Supporting Law Enforcement and First Responders.
Fighting terrorism by building a wall of protection.
A foundation of God, morality and law and order.
Respecting our history instead of trying to eradicate it by believing false narratives.
Believing facts over fake news that feed a sinful desire, “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions…(2 Timothy 4:3).
The WAY, the TRUTH and the LIGHT (John 14:6).
Most Progressives have chosen their path–godless and dark as it is. They will vote for politicians that divide, persecute and encourage a life of sin and godlessness. On the surface it sounds fun, free, inclusive and justified. When in reality, it is the lie of the serpent and will only lead to eternal death.
They may even parade about as false Christians, leading others astray, try to convince the w e a k that the road of immorality and sin and acceptance of everything the world has to offer–is the way of God somehow. They mock those “going against the flow” and in the world they have created, embrace godless terms such as “feminism”, “reproductive health”, “gender choice”, progressiveness”, and “equality”.
To those on the fence, I say beware. This is not a game you want to play. The enemy has led them down a path of sin, influencing their open minds, calling depravity “love”, and death of the innocent, “choice”. In this evil game, down is up and good is bad (Isaiah 5:20).
It is Satan’s game and his desire to be worshipped and admired is so deep and desperate that he will do anything to make it appear as such. He causes division and breeds chaos. Don’t believe me? LOOK at the liberal cities and LISTEN to the Liberal politicians. No true Christ follower can call themselves “light” yet live in the “dark”.
For those that have not yet chosen “sides”–it is time. You have the facts. A failure to choose, is still a choice.
Good v. Evil. Let the spiritual battle commence as the heavenly and demonic realms kick it into high gear.
And if you still think this is only about an election and a President—either start asking the RIGHT questions or get LEFT in the dust…”for dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Gen. 3:19).